Wednesday 23 October 2013

Review 1 "The Dementia Diaries" [ Update No 2 04/11/13]

Four youngsters. Brie, Fred, Sarah and Sam wrote the 28 entries in The Dementia Diaries. With nearly 100 pages this booklet deserves to be a best seller. Yes a best seller! When the second volume arrives in the world's  bookshops the words "International Best Seller" will not be a cliche. It is now available on Amazon.

From the first page I had smiles, laughs out loud, tears in my eyes and numerous moments of reflection! The book is described as a "novel of cartoons". Written and illustrated by Matthew Synman (and, I suppose, the now famous four), we have been given a gem.

The four grandchildren tell us, in their own words, of life with a grandpa or grandma who begin to have memory problems, minor crises, bouts of wandering, and who are eventually assessed and diagnosed as four of those living with "demensias" (which became "dementia" in a later diary entry - after some googling).

The book vividly describes in various ways, but without jargon, the clinical symptoms of dementias in the words of  grandchildren of about 9 to 14 years.  In addition we are given by each diary author some insights (with illustrations and comments) into life as young persons.

All adults have been through childhood - those who can remember will smile (or cry) at some of the comments of family life in a home community. That aside may not seem pertinent, but it should not diminish the important messages for adult readers about the implicit (mis)behaviour towards those who come to live with dementia by friends. At thde same time their are heartwrming stories of help in naturally dementia friendly communities.

Finally, the natural acceptance of their grandparents life with dementia, although expressed at times with a sense of loss and sorrow, is an example to all.

The book ends with a useful 'directory' about dementias and sources of information about them and the support services available, particularly in Kent but also nationally.

[Please note that if you want to read The Dementia Diaries it is available in all Kent CC's public libraries and has been distributed to Kent County County's schools. Otherwise, it is available from KCC SILK office for £5.99 including packaging and postage. It is likely that special arrangements will be made for bulk purchases. Also see Post 15.]

Publisher:     SILK Publishing, Social Innovation Lab Kent, Kent County Council, 3rd Floor, Invicta House, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XQ.
ISBN:  978-0-9576600-0-7  

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