Sunday 20 October 2013

3 Dementia Health Event - The Oaks Surgery and Patient Voice [Update 1 - 29/11/13]

It is likely that most organisations could carryout their independent actions of support and service provision without recourse to a "dementia friendly community" group. However, in any town or village one aim of the DFC group is to promote awareness and information. It may be able to offer support where needed. 

The Dementia Health Event in Swanley's Clocktower Pavilion on Tuesday October 15th 2013 comprised two sessions of similar presentations of talks (and stalls) about dementia. The hall was packed for the first session when the  three speakers gave the following:
  • an account of dementias in terms of their forms, symptoms, assessment, diagnosis,and treatment
  • an account of the work of the Alzheimer's and Dementia Support Services (ADSS)
  • an account of a care organisation's approach to their work. 
A packed hall of residents and others listened and asked pertinent questions of the speakers. The talks touched many concerns and issues and the questions were answered fully.

The Oaks Surgery and Patient Voice (Patient Participation Group) are appreciatively congratulated on their efforts in organising and presenting the event.  

2 Local Resources Development - for Swanley DFC [Update - 31.10.13]

Several kinds of help will be needed for those living with dementia, families and carers. The resources given below will also interest other residents, professional in health and care, students, and local administrators.

Preparations are in hand for:
  • a short series of Dementia Information Sheets about the life with dementia 
  • a "Dementia Directory" in hardcopy and virtual forms. It will show information on local services and resources together with contact details
  • a regular updating of "Dementia Diary" in virtual form. It shows dates of a few local, national, and international events
  • a Panel of Speakers on relevant topics about dementia health, care and services
  • a series of posts on this Blog - particularly on policies for dementia and profiles of local organisations
  • a number of Dementia Friends
  • a Kent-wide website (being constructed by SILK).    

1 Lift-off for Swanley as a Dementia Friendly Community [Update 2 - 28/11/13]

Lift off was on August 9th 2013 when residents, councillors, and representatives of about 20 organisations met to learn how Swanley (Kent) might become a more dementia friendly community (DFC). (For DCFs see Post 4.)

Following this lift-off a booster and .Second Community Meeting is planned for Thursday November 28th 2013.

At the heart of all this is the thoughts and needs of those living with dementia, their families and carers.

The Novemember meeting will focus on:

  • the analysis of the survey responses
  • future plans individual organisations have made
  • ways of helping one another 
  • potential partnerships
  • any need for co-ordinating activities.

The First Community Meeting was conducted by Kent County Council SILK project manager who led several interactive sessions when concerns, resources and other features of a DFC were  identified and noted. Existing resources are substantial but not much is known about them. (For SILK see Post 7.)

The meeting agreed the need to carry out a series of surveys. When the responses to these are analysed a clearer knowledge of what needs to be achieved will be known.

Swanley is the third DCF in Knet after Northfleet and Westgate. (For Kent's DCFs see