Sunday 24 November 2013

22 Dementia - Universities, Colleges and Schools [Update 3 - 24/11/13]

Managers, teachers and support staff in each of our universities, colleges and schools may need to develop a vision, objectives and a strategy for:    a)  dementia studies, b)  research, and c)  staffing which embraces the developing national scenarios. 

The concerns and issues now arising with increasing awareness and information are likely to embrace some of the following:
  • distressed students who are falling behind with their studies - a parent or grandparent has demenia
  • distressed employees, governors and others who are caring for a family member living with dementia
  • members of staff or mature students who begin to have memory problems or dementia
  • a local settlement which is developing a policy of becoming a more dementia friendly community
  • pressures from various groups of stakeholders in a particular industry, eg professions, employers and students, which may be facing concerns about dementia
  • many kinds of studies where awareness and information about dementia from research are being drawn into curriculum development and delivery, eg design for dementia friendly care settings, buildings and grey and green environments
  • pressures for monies to be allocated for new dementia-related research questions
  • finally, there may be other like institutions collaborating though their new membership of a Local Dementia Action Alliance.