Monday, 4 November 2013

16A Assistive Technology for Those with Dementia [Update 2 - 08/11/13]

In an early post I highlighted assistive technology to help those living with dementia. This Post identifies several areas where assistive technology is available. you may like to note that a variety of desciptive terms are sometimes used, eg for online systems or devices  m-heath and tele-health. 

  1. activity monitoring communication systems inter-sourced through laptops, mobile phones, personal computers, TV set-top boxes, etc - usable 24/7 
  2. exit door monitoring, so preventing access to areas to avoid risks of harm 
  3. fire prevention and mitigation
  4. information and communication technology for reminiscing and cognitive skills maintainance
  5. healthcare data communications by wireless technology (tele-health devices)
  6. integrated care and clinical treatment
  7. mobile telephone for tracking or tracing an individual who is carrying a mobile telephone
  8. patient record systems
  9. personal alarms for assistance to a call centre 24/7 
  10. purchasing on-line
  11. signage technology for access, etc.  

 Later material will be added to expand insights into the above and develop other pertinent topics.

You may like to note that assistive technology is likely to become more prominent in health and care in the next few years. Emphasis is being put at presnet by government and industry in reviewing and developing a strategy for assistive technoligy.

Profile 4 Kent County Council - Library Services for Dementia [Update 2 - 10/12/13]

A public library can be an important facility for those living with dementia, and their carers or family. In Kent the Kent County Council Library Service is coming much to the front in the quest for dementia friendly communities. 

In Swanley an event will be held in the town's Library on Tuesday 17 December 2013. It will inter alia publicise a range of materials which may be used to help those with dementia. 

The range of services available is likely to be increased in the foreseeable future. At present they include the following:
  • books and other materials which can be borrowed 
  • eBooks and eAudiobooks for downloading from the Library's website
  • a carer's ticket which allows: a) borrowing more books than usual, b) for a longer period of loan, and b) without fines for missed dates
  • over 20 themed reminiscence boxes (at least 153) to help those with dementia to recall their past - at least 153 boxes containing DVDs, CD, books, posters, toys and the like are available
  • peer support to help the newly diagnosed and others with information and guidance
  • libraries with improved environments - under the Safer Places scheme 
  • working with groups at dementia cafes in the county
  • Talk Time Groups.  
Other actual or potential services include volunteers running:
  • library home delivery and support service
  • Computer Buddy service for on-line activities
  • groups for those who mightbotherwise be isolated.
KCC Select Committee (2011) Dementia - A new stage in life, (p108) Select Committee Report, KCC County Hall, Maidstone, Kent, UK
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Reviw 1 The Dementia Diaries (27/10/130